Perfect Alignment
Starts Here

Empowering CEOs and Senior Leaders to Bridge the Gap between their People and their Purpose.

At Invisible Horizons, we understand what the C-Suite values most: strategic growth, operational efficiency, and a motivated, high-performing team. Our expertise in leadership development and strategic planning is designed to deliver these core outcomes.

By partnering with us, you’ll benefit from cost savings, increased productivity, and sustainable growth. We foster a healthy work-life balance for your employees while aligning with your strategic goals.

Our personalized guidance and actionable strategies ensure measurable outcomes, giving you a significant ROI through enhanced leadership effectiveness and streamlined operations. Choosing Invisible Horizons will help you lead your organization to unparalleled success and fulfillment.

Common organizational challenges that hinder goal achievement and alignment within teams or companies boil down to three main issues:

Having the right people in the wrong seats

This issue arises when team members are skilled and competent but are placed in roles that do not match their strengths or potential. Consequently, even though the team comprises talented individuals, their capabilities are not utilized effectively, leading to underperformance and frustration.

Lacking clear systems that bring predictable growth

Organizations often struggle when they do not have structured processes or systems in place. These systems are crucial for guiding operations, decision-making, and strategies toward growth. Without clear and effective systems, growth becomes unpredictable, and organizations might find it challenging to scale or adapt to changes efficiently.

A perpetuating cycle of small failures that permeate the culture

 This refers to the negative impact of recurring minor setbacks or failures that, over time, become embedded in the organizational culture. Such a cycle can demotivate employees, lower morale, and create a culture of acceptance toward underachievement or mediocrity. Breaking out of this cycle is essential to foster a positive, resilient, and high-performing organizational culture.

In summary, 93% of alignment issues and unmet objectives in organizations can be traced back to the misplacement of personnel, the absence of effective systems for growth, and a culture accustomed to tolerating minor failures. Addressing these areas is crucial for organizations aiming to improve their alignment and achieve their goals more consistently.

And that’s just what we do. Help companies, just like yours, put the right people in the right seats, design and implement clear systems and processes, and enhance the culture through our programs and services. 

Benefits and Features of Our Business Programs and Services

Strategic Planning Workshops

Our workshops provide CEOs with a clear roadmap and actionable plans, ensuring alignment across the organization and effective execution of strategic initiatives.

  • Features: Intensive, interactive sessions; collaborative development of strategic vision; creation of actionable plans.

  • Benefits: Clarity of direction, focused objectives, and a cohesive roadmap for achieving long-term goals.

Executive Coaching

Tailored coaching empowers CEOs and their team members to enhance their leadership capabilities, make informed decisions, and drive organizational success with confidence.

  • Features: One-on-one coaching; personalized development plans; ongoing support and feedback.

  • Benefits: Enhanced leadership skills, improved decision-making, and greater overall effectiveness for CEOs and senior leaders.

Leadership Development Programs

These comprehensive programs foster high-performance leadership teams, promoting cohesion, innovation, and sustained organizational growth.

  • Features: Comprehensive training modules; skill-building exercises; leadership assessments.

  • Benefits: Development of high-performing leadership teams, increased team morale, and improved organizational performance.

Team Alignment Sessions

Facilitated workshops improve team dynamics, communication, and productivity, fostering a collaborative environment essential for achieving shared goals.

  • Features: Facilitated workshops; team-building activities; communication and collaboration strategies.

  • Benefits: Improved team cohesion, enhanced communication, and increased productivity and innovation.

Performance Metrics Implementation

By implementing customized systems and key success metrics, CEOs gain visibility into performance metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

  • Features: Custom-designed tracking systems; key success metrics (KSMs); regular progress reviews.

  • Benefits: Clear measurement of success, data-driven decision-making, and continuous improvement.

Change Management Consulting

Tailored strategies and stakeholder engagement plans facilitate smooth transitions through organizational changes, minimizing disruption and maximizing adoption.

  • Features: Tailored change management strategies; stakeholder engagement plans; risk mitigation techniques.

  • Benefits: Smooth transition through organizational changes, reduced resistance, and sustained momentum.

Innovation Facilitation

Our programs cultivate a culture of innovation, empowering teams to generate and implement creative, collaborative solutions that drive competitive advantage and market differentiation.

  • Features: Innovation workshops; idea generation sessions; implementation support.

  • Benefits: Cultivation of a culture of innovation, continuous improvement, and a competitive edge in the market.

Growth Acceleration Consulting

Customized growth strategies and market expansion plans empower CEOs to overcome stagnation, identify new growth opportunities, and maximize profitability.

  • Features: Tailored growth strategies; business model optimization; market expansion plans.

  • Benefits: Overcoming growth stagnation, achieving significant business expansion, and maximizing profitability.

Client Testimonials

"I was at the very rock bottom on the professional scale before working with Debbie. I’m shocked by how much of these issues have been bridged so quickly – how many things I now feel positive about in leadership and how much I can see really extensive growth."

Executive Director, Non-Profit Organization

"Honestly, it wasn’t the outcome that I was expecting. I can’t wait to see what’s next on the horizon."

Non-Profit Organization - Executive Team

"I’m 100% confident that if it weren’t for Debbie’s intervention [facilitating the team meeting] and support, we all would have failed – epically."

Executive Director, Non-profit organization

"I would say that I needed to rebuild back to the baseline, but I actually blew past that baseline and am seeing even greater potential in both me and my team. I’m no longer in survival mode – we’re now in growth mode!"

Executive Director, Non-Profit Organization

"Because the [advice] you gave me in our one session was just perfect. It helped me a lot and I did exactly what [we co-created]. So, that’s just one hour, which made a big difference for me."

– AB, Director of HR

"I am really enjoying the Leadership Academy! This has been one of my favorite Leadership Academies so far. I really appreciate the tangible takeaways and your practical approach."

– ML, Executive Leader

"Thanks for a great session tonight! Really great content and discussion! I appreciate how you helped us dig deeper and really think about the definitions and our actions. Also, love leaving with specific actions to drive change."

– JM, Executive Leader

"Thank you for the amazing session on Team Cohesiveness yesterday evening – I made note of several things that I intend to immediately begin implementing in our office."

– AC, Office Manager

"Tonight was great!"

- DH, Area Sales Manager

Why Choose Us

With a steadfast commitment to quality and a tenacious drive to inspire organizational excellence, we’re here to help companies align their strategic initiatives with their people strategy.

As your trusted partner, we stop at nothing to ensure your people contribute to the organization’s growth and help you achieve your objectives. Our unwavering dedication to your success is fueled by a genuine desire to make a lasting impact.

As Certified Predictive Index Partners, we don’t just solve business problems, we change people’s lives. The Predictive Index assessments have a proven track record of boosting people's productivity.

What does the Predictive Index look at? The HEAD, HEART, and BRIEFCASE

  • Head: This is not about a person’s personality or intellect, but how they’re “wired” and how they naturally prefer to process and operate.

  • Heart: When your company’s core values align with a person’s passion and purpose, you will discover their “why” and unlock their true potential.

  • Briefcase: The briefcase goes beyond the resume. This is where the skills, experience, and achievements align to inspire a culture of excellence within your organization. By aligning your people strategy with your business strategy, we help executives get their teams to execute their company’s strategy. Many strategies are “stroke-of-the-pen” initiatives that don’t align with the day-to-day activities... you know how it is, you’re jumping from one fire to another. We help calm that chaos.

By aligning your people strategy with your business strategy, we help executives get
their teams to execute their company’s strategy.

Many strategies are “stroke-of-the-pen” initiatives that don’t align with the day-to-day activities...
you know how it is, you’re jumping from one fire to another.

We help calm that chaos.

Experience and Expertise

Hello, I'm Debbie, CEO at Invisible Horizons, and many know me as the Alignment Alchemist. I’m a former global human resources executive with over three decades of experience in executive leadership, strategic planning, and operations and supply chain management. My MBA was earned while I worked full-time supporting +3,500 global employees; I’m also a certified executive coach.

Craig Paxson, my business partner and founder of Visionary Results, LLC, is a former small business CEO with over 25 years of experience in executive leadership and strategic planning. He’s also certified as an Executive Coach, Exit Planning Advisor, and Strategy Planning Professional.

Michelle Goth, a seasoned principal consultant with international experience in Gen AI, Tech, Retail, and Manufacturing, brings extensive expertise in executive coaching, sales enablement, and team dynamics to enrich leadership and strategic insights. Holding advanced certifications in Predictive Index, Emotional Intelligence, and Model the Way, her profound ability to inspire and drive team transformations and leadership development is instrumental in achieving sustainable growth and operational excellence for our clients.

We aim to empower business owners and leaders to design, drive, and deliver lasting impact.

Certifications and Specializations

  • Recipient of IAOTP Top Executive & Leadership Coach of the Year

  • ONCON Top 50 HR Professionals Award

  • Certified Executive Coach

  • Exit Planning Advisor

  • Strategy Planning Professional

  • Predictive Index Talent Optimization Certified Partner

  • Predictive Index Leadership and Management Certification

  • Neurodivergent Professional Career Coach

  • ICF Member, ACC Erickson Certified Executive/Team Coach

  • Psychtest AIM® INC. Emotional Intelligence Partner

  • Wiley Leadership Challenge: Model the Way® Partner

  • Partner Everything DiSC®

  • Gallup Strengthfinder® Partner

CEOs and Executive Leaders Struggle to Drive Sustainable Growth

Many CEOs and executive leaders face significant challenges in navigating the complexities of today's business landscape.

They often find themselves:

  • Overwhelmed: Trying to juggle multiple responsibilities while also steering the company towards growth.

  • Stagnating Growth: Unable to achieve the desired levels of growth and profitability despite their best efforts.

  • Lacking Strategic Direction: Feeling directionless or unsure about the best strategies to drive sustainable growth.

  • Overcome with Leadership Challenges: Struggling to inspire and lead their teams effectively in the face of changing market dynamics.

 Imagine the Impact of Overcoming These Challenges

Picture the consequences of these ongoing challenges:

  • Missed Opportunities: Every day spent grappling with these issues is a missed opportunity to capitalize on growth prospects.

  • Frustrated Teams: Your team members may feel disengaged or demotivated, hindering productivity and innovation.

  • Competitive Disadvantage: Falling behind competitors who have successfully addressed similar challenges and are thriving in the market.

  • Personal Stress: The stress and pressure of leading a company through uncertainty can take a toll on your well-being and effectiveness as a leader.

Invisible Horizons Coaching and Consulting

Your Path to Sustainable Success

Invisible Horizons Coaching and Consulting understands the unique challenges faced by CEOs and executive leaders.

Our tailored solutions address these pain points head-on, offering:

  • Strategic Guidance: Collaboratively developing and executing strategic initiatives that drive sustainable growth and profitability.

  • Leadership Mastery: Empowering you with the skills and mindset needed to inspire and lead your team to success.

  • Customized Support: Tailored coaching and consulting services designed to meet your specific needs and goals.

  • Measurable Results: Achieving tangible outcomes such as revenue growth, performance improvement, and enhanced leadership effectiveness.

Our tailored coaching and consulting solutions empower you to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, adapting to market changes, or enhancing team dynamics, we'll work with you to turn adversity into advantage, driving positive change and lasting impact within your organization.

Our Strategic Business Solutions

Transforming Companies Through Personalized Coaching and Strategic Guidance.

Business Strategy

Identify your Company's Purpose - your mission and vision that drives desired behaviors. Solidify your Company's Capabilities - through the People you employ. Design, drive, and deliver Profits, through an executable plan that aligns each person and every department, and puts you back in line and on track to massive growth that takes place even when you’re not in the office.

Strategy Support

Our business growth experts help to not only define your Business and People strategy, but we walk beside you to ensure you drive and deliver those key success metrics that make your business more profitable, sustainable, and valuable.

Build Your Dream Team

Achieving team goals can be difficult even in the best of times. Throw in mistrust, miscommunication, and misalignment, and the obstacles start to stack up. Learn how The Predictive Index can help you stop spinning your wheels and start getting stuff done.

"Model the Way"

Leadership Development Journey

Model the Behaviors that will inspire a Shared Vision. Allow others to Challenge the Process while Enabling them to succeed. Encourage their hearts through collaboration, team cohesion, and culture.


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